Saturday 5 March 2011

The things you read...

There's a lot to say about someone when you take a look at their reading habits. The genre they most often delve into is likely something which resonates within them, causing them some degree of emotional comfort, surely?

I know for certain that the reason I read fantasy and science fiction is to get away from the world, away from any responsibility, deadlines, annoying people -- even if it's only for an hour or two. It's called escapism (okay, so that wiki article has no references... it's still valid for my point).

I'm a sucker for magic and swords, or nanotech and spaceships. It is a very rare circumstance that I'll find myself engrossed by fiction set in the contemporary world (The Dresden Files being the only series to date which I sufficiently enjoyed regardless of the setting as modern-day Chicago).

I also enjoy writing in the fantasy genre because in fantasy there isn't a rule which states that you have to do this or you have to do that. It's open to your interpretation as an author.

I read to escape from this banal reality, why do you read what you read?


  1. I read what I read to relate to it I guess...or try to. My favourite books are the ones I felt.
    I suppose they need to be about the right thing, at the right time in my life, or else I don't get into them... :)

  2. There's always something I admire about the characters in the books I read, too. I dislike books which have characters who act... disproportionately to the events that are occurring.
