Thursday 3 March 2011

My Top Ten Favourite Books - Part 2

Okay, so following on from yesterday's post here are the top five of my favourite books:

5. The Painted Man by Peter V Brett
So to start the second series off, The Painted Man. The reason that this book hit my top five was because of the awesome magic system - wards, symbols marked onto surfaces, which create barriers to protect against the demons of the night. Some believable characters in there, too.

4. Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb
In at fourth is the first book of a trilogy, but it might be more accurate to paint the whole Farseer Trilogy as my fourth favourite book -- it's very hard for me to decide which is the best out of the three. Go, read and be amazed at the sophistication of the writing and the depth of character and plot! Go. Go, I tell you!

3. Changes by Jim Butcher
Changes is the latest (twelfth) book in a series by Jim Butcher. The Dresden Files are about a cash-strapped, young, wizard private investigator in Chicago city and his misadventures. It is a series packed with humour, folklore, magic, action, suspense, romance, heartbreak and more! I highly recommend this series to anyone. Changes is by far my favourite, though. So, get reading!

2. Consider Phlebas by Iain M. Banks
First published in 1987, this is Banks' first foray into the science fiction genre and, well, I was impressed! I had no idea at the time that the book I was picking up would be so great, in fact I had no idea that it was a re-print of an old book. The cover was very shiny. I consider this one hell of an excellent book! Obviously, it's number two!

1. Stranger In A Strange Land by Robert Heinlein
In at number one is an oldie, possibly the most thought-provoking. Definitely the best. This book is one hell of a ride, it's science fiction when science fiction was all about testing boundaries, challenging beliefs and making people think about the world! It was published into a fire storm of outrage, or so I am led to believe by the foreword in the copy I have. It's an old copy, from my father's collection. Bent and stained with coffee -- the marks of a veteran indeed. Amazing. Simply put. Go read it.

And that's done! It was stupendously difficult to get down on paper my top ten favourite books, I've never actually tried to say what they were in order before... I'm not entirely sure that this is the correct order either. From reading the list you'll probably have noticed a few things about my reading habits... yet that's a topic for another time.

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