Monday 9 May 2011

Coming soon...

So, I'm currently studying English Language at college in the hopes to do something similar at Uni (creative writing, more likely), and one of the pieces of coursework we had to complete was a review style piece of writing.

Now, I read a lot. I watch an awful lot of films, even more so recently than before. And I play a lot of games. (In that order). The review I did for coursework was of the most recent novel from the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher, called Changes. It was selected out of my four pieces to be one of the two sent off for my final pieces; the other being my short story; big phew, as now I know that even teachers like my fiction!

This successful authorship of a review has prompted my ever-active brain to come up with a new plan: Write more reviews!

So here's the deal:

  1.  I read a book, watch a film, or play a new game.
  2.  I like, dislike, love or loath the new addition to the ranks of my leisure activities army.
  3.  I write a review based on my experiences and post them on here.
It's quite a cunning plan, if I do say so myself.

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